General > Detailing

Glass cutting polish

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grey golfster:
Ok, thanks.

I Should have been clearer (pun intended)...

In the past I've always renewed the glass!

I think you were pretty crystal (ha ha ha ha ha).
if you can avoid changing glass i would, windscreens etc are never the same. you can get some good results but they are not guaranteed because of the nature of the beast.

on my gti i had a horribly swirled windscreen no idea how but it was awful at night. as well as some marks which wouldn't come out via hand polishing. machine work with rayon pad and ceri glass dealt with this (I got a picture up in pro detailers section).

i find a very high machine speed and high pressure and the odd spray of water onto the glass helps but it is very messy and hard work lol. i was doing it at speed 6 on the flex and she was getting a bit warm.

grey golfster:
Thanks, will bear polishing in mind next time.

On another car i had night vision problems due to loads of really tiny stone chips, i think prev owner must have sprayed bonnet, but i missed the screen until first long in ght journey.
It looked from inside like one of those Ford early heated screens!

Mostly its used for glass that isn't easy or cheap to find a replacement. We did a G60 (I think) rear screen because its almost impossible to find the correct one for it as I think it had a factory tint etc.. And the rest of the car was original and mint.


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