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Author Topic: Replacing/Changing Cylinder Head Cover for 2.0 TFSi  (Read 12642 times)

Offline vRS Carl

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Replacing/Changing Cylinder Head Cover for 2.0 TFSi
« on: September 29, 2009, 09:09:47 pm »
Well another Tutorial thread that i thought i'd post up in case someone else with Catch can Fitting had the same problem i did.

There are a few quirks with this tutorial.

Firstly it is done on an Octavia vRS but the Engine is the same
Secondly i Have EVOMS which some don't so don't know how other intakes are removed
Thirdly i have a Relocated DV so if you see a few "strange pipes" thats why  :smiley:

Before i start the usual Disclaimer :

Neither i nor MK5GolfGTI will be held liable for anything that goes wrong. If you undertake this process you do so entirely at your own risk!

Oh and you must have purchased the New Cylinder Head Cover before you start. Part No. is 06F 103 469 K  :grin:


Remove the Engine Cover - Just pull upwards gently but firmly DONT YANK and it will pop off the 4 Lugs that hold it in place. Also if you have an Aftermarket intake and heat shield remove those aswell. Your Engine will look something like this.

Next remove the 2 Screws that hold the Coil Pack Loom in place. Don't Panic if you don't have them they are not vital :grin:

Next Disconnect the Coil Pack loom by pushing the tab down and gently pushing back to the rear of the engine. Do the same for all 4 Connectors.

Next remove coil packs. Just lift up again don't yank and i stored them in the order they came out so that they went back to the same cylinder.

Next remove the clamps from the 2 pipes in the pictures below. The Left hand clamp is spring loaded so just use a pair of pliers to grip it together and push back. The second connectors are for the rear PCV they need a special tool to remove which if you dont have you break the clips so make sure you have some jubilee connectors to replace them. Remove the pipes.

Disconnect the pipe to the left of the PCV/BSH Plate and disconnect the PCV/BSH Pipes and plate

Engine now looks like this.

Now there are 17 x T30 screws that hold the Cover in place. 5 across the top,middle, bottom and 2 on the left hand side. The 2 on the left hand side which are in the timing belt cover you need to keep. The other 15 you get new when you buy the Cover. These screws are only hand tight so they don't take much force to undo. I loosened with a ratchet then one by one took them out using a T30 Screwdriver. Remove the cover and your engine looks like this.

Pic showing Screw Location

Cylinder Cover removed

Next remove the Gasket. Again you get this new when you buy the cover and you get a new PCV gasket aswell.

Now i cleaned the top rim where the screws go and applied fresh clean oil.



Here are a few pics of the Cover and showing Gaskets and Screws already in place. The covers may look diff sizes in the pics but trust me they are not

Now its just the reverse. Place the cover on ensure all the holes line up and tighten up the 17x T30 Screws. REMEMBER HAND TIGHT ONLY. Once that is done reconnect the pipes. I also applied the BSH Plate to the new cover before placing it on and this time i Shaved off the Excess thread on the taps.

Your engine now looks something like this.

Replace the coil packs and reconnect the loom.

Now replace all the Catch Can Pipes, Aftermarket intake if applicable and your engine looks like this

Now before replacing the engine cover start up and check the car idles normally. If the idle is erratic there is a break in the seal somewhere so stop and recheck seating of gasket and all bolts are hand tight. Replace Engine cover and all done

Start to finish took me 2 hours and i was taking pics. You could quite easily do it in about 1 hour.

Any questions/feedback feel free


Carl :happy2:
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 09:35:37 pm by Mater »

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Re: Replacing/Changing Cylinder Head Cover for 2.0 TFSi
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 09:33:10 pm »
Carl you seem to have turned into a mechanical genius.  :notworthy:

Offline vRS Carl

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Re: Replacing/Changing Cylinder Head Cover for 2.0 TFSi
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 09:34:56 pm »
Cheers Ian. I didn't need the helpline either  :P

Just be careful next time im at yours. You might find your car is not as powerful as it was before  :booty: :grin:

Carl :happy2:
« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 09:39:07 pm by Mater »


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Re: Replacing/Changing Cylinder Head Cover for 2.0 TFSi
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 06:03:55 pm »
Cheers Carl, did mine yesturday, didnt know this was hear. Easy as long as the rear breather pipe wants to come off  :laugh:, balls ache if you have to put the gasket on upside down!!   :laugh:

Offline jay26r

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Re: Replacing/Changing Cylinder Head Cover for 2.0 TFSi
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2016, 04:12:22 pm »
"Now i cleaned the top rim where the screws go and applied fresh clean oil."
can you clear something up for me ? wherewas it you applied fresh clean oil ? doing this tomorrow and am not wanting to do it twice  :grin: