Please don't shoot me for not searching

but can someone advise please on this... I seem to recall reading that it can be the timing chain; or the chain tensioner; or the cam follower........or maybe all three, doh!
My car is 05, 33,000 miles fsh. I have one month remaining on my used car warranty, and I'm wondering if I should attempt to get this done under warranty - but even if approved, I still have to pay half. I would like some guidance on costs too please. Cam belt was done two years ago, prior to my recent purchase.
My situation is that I do no more than 3,000 - 4,000 miles a year. The noise is more of an irritation, as I park it up in the garage, where, of course it sounds much worse, with the sounds bouncing off the wall and floor, in the confined space. That's with the window open, or door open trying to listen for it. On a noise score I would put it at 4/5 out of 10. You can't hear it inside the car, windows closed, so probably not that bad, and I'm being paranoid! It disappears over 1200 rpm, and can't be heard on the move. I'm hesitating, as i think mechanically it's ok, just a bit of slack on the chain at tickover, but I'm no expert.
Guidance / thoughts very welcome, please