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Author Topic: Cooling fan not kicking in until 118C!  (Read 1198 times)

Offline Nebnej

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Cooling fan not kicking in until 118C!
« on: June 08, 2016, 10:50:43 pm »
Evening All,

Noticed my temp gauge creeping up today past 90C (Thermostat changed last year), after idling in traffic at the end of a 20 mile motorway run. Started moving and it instantly went back down to 90C.

Anyway, I connected my VCDS up when I got home and left it idling watching the temps. Temperature gauge started creeping up, fan duty cycle was showing 8% ish I think, it got all the way up to 118C in VCDS (Coolant temp) then fan cuts in at full whack, and temperature was back down to 90 on the gauge within 30 seconds. Now I assume this isn't correct (although the fan did kick in) I'd assume the fan would be controlled to keep the temps constant rather than letting it hit 118C? Which makes me think the 118C point is some kind of safety feature and it turns it on at full whack.

Any ideas? Car is a 2005 with BWA. I'll do some logging of coolant temps/fan duty tomorrow but was wondering if anyone had any ideas?

AC is knackered as well (no gas) but I don't believe that would have an effect, and I'm pretty certain its done the same before when the aircon was working (misses told me when she was driving it for a while)

Thanks All

Offline ChazGTI

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Re: Cooling fan not kicking in until 118C!
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 10:08:08 pm »
Definitely no fault codes? Seems like a sensor issue, but never had issues with my temps so I can't suggest anything.

Maybe the fan's bearings are on their way out?