Thanks for the replies, all.
Had the car since saturday, have covered 400 miles already, and loved every moment of it! All seems to be working flawlessly with no surprises thus far, barring a slightly dodgy dome-light switch. The dealer did not end up checking the dv and fuel pump properly. Re the dv they said that if it fails it "makes a noise, which it isnt". So both the dv and fuel pump follower are on my list to do anyway. I figure swapping these parts out is worth doing, for piece of mind. Ill also do a bit more reading up on the other checks/replacements suggested here too.
Interesting to hear the oil usage comment, the engines drinking oil is not something id heard of so will kep an eye on oil level. Ill get myself a small amount of the standard oil the dealer would have likely put in (anyone able to tell me what this is? ill take a look in the manual to see what that says too) for topping up as necessary.
Other than that I only plan to do a couple of touch-up jobs. Ive ordered a set of new wheel cente caps and will give the car a good clean/detail soon. As for performance mods, I wont be doing anything for the foreseeable, as i currently like the idea of keeping everything stock and in pristine condition, but I wouldnt be surprised if I change my mind further down the line.