I find it amazing that the BREXITERS so casually dismiss the early signs that they f***ed up, and dismiss any analysis or expert opinion.
According to them, the markets know nothing, the economists know nothing, business leaders know nothing. No. Apparently the real experts are that racist Farage, bumbling idiot BoJo, the xenophobic, the old, and the working class.

Make no mistake, what we've seen today in financial markets is significant.
GBP's largest ever 1 day fall, and lowest point since the mid 1980's vs USD.
The U.K. Is about to lose its AAA credit rating with S&P.
Equity markets around Europe have taken a beating.
The reasons the FTSE wasn't worse were because the BoE has pledged £250bn to shore up markets, there is a lot of short covering going on, and the fact that GBP has fallen so far helps the index (in dollar terms, the index has fallen about 10%)

So not only have we increased the cost of imports by 8% overnight, the prospect of the EU breaking apart has significantly weakened the market that currently buys 50% of our exports.
Add in the fact that the UK is heavily dependent on foreign direct investment to fund our current account, and any foreign investor just got badly burned. Expect major outflows.
The economy was growing at 2%. Inflation was low. Unemployment at 5% was the lowest in a decade and still falling. Wages had begun to rise.
And we've chucked it away for a load of empty promises.
Ultimately I blame Cameron. There was no need to have a referendum in the first place, and risk the future of my kids by handing the decision to the population, most of whom know nothing about the economy or financial markets, and are uninterested in facts.
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