Picked them up this morning. It's exactly one month to the day when I dropped them off.
I'll start by saying, I will
never recommend that company to anyone for the following reasons:
1) We had an agreed date and they were delayed.
2) Got them back and the inserts were not the colour I requested
3) They tried to give me donor wheels from 2 different owners (who did not know their wheels were being given away)
4) My wheels were being done a second time and they were again delayed
5) They bent my lock nuts with their impact gun (even pointed out by their fitter who was quickly told to shut up)
6) The manager had an argument with me upon collection when I asked about the damaged lock nuts and told me to leave the garage until the work was done.
7) The wheels the second time around although are the correct colour have minor flaws from dust getting onto the diamond face before the lacquer went on
Here is the final result:

You can see three minor specs under the lacquer in this photo. Two look to be air bubbles and the third a bit of black dirt.