Hi Folks,
Just firing up a thread on the issue I had in case it happens to anyone else. I dug around online, but couldn't find anyone with these exact symptoms. Many similar, none the exact same.
Basically the car was misfiring on full throttle between 3-5k revs. Started intermittently, then between 4-5k, then worsening to 3-5k revs. Full throttle only, and was fine above or below those revs. I had replaced 2 coilpacks before to solve misfiring, however those cases were full failure and the car constantly running off a cylinder, so I had kind of ruled out it being another coilpack issue.
A few runs of live testing on the road, all other potential sources looked fine. Getting fuel fine, getting air fine. We then went and borrowed 4 R8 coilpacks from a another MK6 GTI. Problem solved. The 2 coilpacks I'd got from VW to solve the earlier issues were different part numbers to the existing 2, so we thought they must have played around with resistances or some crap. So 4 R8 coilpacks later (and 6 in total

) and the car's driving perfect.
Hope this helps someone.