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Author Topic: Warming up/cooling down + general maintenance  (Read 995 times)

Offline Kai96

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Warming up/cooling down + general maintenance
« on: June 30, 2016, 11:15:09 am »
Hi guy's new to the forum picked up my car Monday It's a 3 door DSG with just over 60k on the clock. Everything seem's fine so far fingers crossed.

I've been letting the car warm up for about two minutes before I set off, I also let the RPM drop below a 1000. Before I switch off I place it in park and leave it to idle for a few minutes before I turn the engine off.

Is this the correct warming up and cooling down procedure ? & I'd really appreciate any other general maintenance tip's I can do to make sure my car live's a long a healthy life.


Offline Paradox1

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Re: Warming up/cooling down + general maintenance
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2016, 03:23:39 pm »

I let the car warm up in the mornings, you can usually hear the tone change and see the idles drop after 60-90 seconds. I'll then cruise until it reaches 90 degrees before I give it any throttle.

These turbos have oil circulating after you turn the ignition off so its not necessary to let the engine after but if I've been driving hard before I reach my destination, I tend to let it idle for a few before I shut it off.

Offline Dan_FR

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Re: Warming up/cooling down + general maintenance
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2016, 08:35:34 pm »
Start the car, leave it 10-15 seconds for the cold start routine to finish (notable change to the exhaust tone) and drive off gently. Keep engine labouring to an absolute minimum.

As for parking up, just drive gently and coast the last mile or so, and switch it off after a few seconds. These engine have an electric water pump that will run on if the engine (calculated EGTs) are very hot on switch off, otherwise its not needed. Unfortunately they do not have any oil circulating after the engine is switched off.

If you can't/haven't driven gently the last mile or so, I too would allow it to idle for a few minutes before switching off
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Offline Kai96

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Re: Warming up/cooling down + general maintenance
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2016, 09:17:32 pm »
Thank's guy's you've been excellent. If I have any other question's I'll post them in here instead of starting a new thread