Just done the stg 1 Bluefin re-map and am very impressed with the relative ease of upping the power by a substantial margin

My calipers are looking a bit scruffy and the cheap discs that the previous owner recently fitted are rusting badly and look cr@p with my refurbed wheels

I don't intend to up the power any more, as I feel the front wheels are struggling as it is! but would like to consider some nice looking better brakes and calipers without spending a few K on them.
Just wondered what is out there for 500 - 700 quid that will smarten the appearance and give me brakes that are a bit better? I love Brembo, but think that my budget won't stretch!!
Also, what pads can I fit that work relatively well, but don't dump a load of dust on the wheels every time I brake??
Your thoughts would be much appreciated?