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Author Topic: How do I stop bullying at work  (Read 16010 times)

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2016, 12:15:54 am »
Scottymon this isn't banter mate this is bullying as I know the difference no offence to you.

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2016, 01:04:13 am »
Mate you've definitely got to give it them back verbally no doubt about it, but carry on with your work, once they start giving you grief without any response you're fair game. f*ck that, get the video evidence, do your job, stand up for yourself and also look for a new job... all bases covered. Good Luck!

Offline Adam0604

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2016, 01:31:08 am »
Just crack on with your work and ignore them. They'll get bored of it eventually if you don't rise to their bait.
Fully understand it's probably not easy when they're chatting sh*t to you everyday, but just laugh it off.

Failing that, get witty against them and baffle them, as they sound like they have the IQ equivalent of a sloth.

As others have said, log it, record it, and go to the boss if it doesn't die a death after a few weeks.

If they touch your car, then fxck it, smash the lad in with a tool somewhere off camera if you don't think you'll take him 1 on 1. Not your hammer, can relate back to you. Obviously this would be last resort.
Disclaimer: I can not be held responsible for any actions or repercussions from your actions if you do this Lmaooo.

Offline Trow81

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How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2016, 08:29:20 am »
@r5gtt as a manager pal I wouldn't stand for that sh"t if one of my guys was bullying another. As others have said gather tangible evidence against the offending parties. Also test the water with a bit of banter in case they are trying to suss the new guy out. Speak to this Steve to see if he had any issues at least then someone who is not directly involved will be aware and can be called upon later if needed. Regardless if it's a big company or small ur rights are the same and by law they will have procedures they have to follow. Gone are the days of what i used to call back door chats where u could go out for a fag tell them what's what and sort it. Now it's all HR. Find out who is in a union and ask for advise. Ultimately don't rise to it physically as tempting as I would be to sort the little pr""k out it will be them that will come out on top wen u lose ur job. In my experience bullying is born out of jealousy maybe ur car or how good u are at ur job making them look bad. U got a new job for a reason stick to ur ethics u can't move every time something happens. That's my management spiel anyway. Failing that give us all a shout and we will turn up 50 strong surround the building with the Golfs and have an anchor man style fight scene lol hope it works out pal

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« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 08:32:04 am by Trow81 »

Offline Juliand

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2016, 08:59:47 am »
Hmmm. You mentioned this is a small place, but with two of you being new, that sounds like a lot of staff turnover - relatively. I wonder if they've been giving other fitters the same treatment, and the boss might be aware of it. Might just be testing you out to see how far they can push you - who know what motivates these idiots.

There may well  be repercussions whatever you do, so try to keep your head down and get on with the job, while you carefully think through your options. Maybe you could build an alliance with this new older guy - he's probably seen it all before.

A very difficult situation and no easy answer. Job hopping doesn't look great on your CV either.

Offline Stupots

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2016, 09:08:24 am »
One thing, do they know or could they have figured out that you use these forums? Ignoring the fact of what's being discussed in this thread, I think you posted what wage you would be earning when you got offered the job, maybe they saw that and if it's higher, then that is why the bullying has started? Also a lot (and before I get shot down; NOT all) of fitters/garages seem to have this culture of offensive banter, spraying each other with grease guns, hiding tools, disabling cars, swearing, (not so)jolly japes etc... It's not an excuse, I'm just saying. The likelihood is that the wiper thing was just supposed to be a prank and they did not intend to damage your car, it does not make it right, just saying.

There is also the fact that people that have been in a job a long time without any career progression don't work as hard as a fresh faces newb trying to make an impression, so that probably worries them.

Best of luck here, keep notes as already said, don't do anything back, don't do any pranks, keep it professional and work to your standard not theirs!


2006 VW Golf Mk5 Sport TDI 4Motion (140 BKD)

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2016, 10:09:51 am »
Mate you've definitely got to give it them back verbally no doubt about it, but carry on with your work, once they start giving you grief without any response you're fair game. f*ck that, get the video evidence, do your job, stand up for yourself and also look for a new job... all bases covered. Good Luck!
When he does come over I give back the sarcasm but it's a constant thing. Aircon man came in yesterday and the bast*** made an indian comment about someone breaking the Aircon machine. It was actually the guy called jerry who turned off the bottle tap inside the machine as he thinks he knows what he's doing. going to but a spy cam and got a recorder already from ages back but never used it. time to sort this out.

Just crack on with your work and ignore them. They'll get bored of it eventually if you don't rise to their bait.
Fully understand it's probably not easy when they're chatting sh*t to you everyday, but just laugh it off.

Failing that, get witty against them and baffle them, as they sound like they have the IQ equivalent of a sloth.

As others have said, log it, record it, and go to the boss if it doesn't die a death after a few weeks.

If they touch your car, then fxck it, smash the lad in with a tool somewhere off camera if you don't think you'll take him 1 on 1. Not your hammer, can relate back to you. Obviously this would be last resort.
Disclaimer: I can not be held responsible for any actions or repercussions from your actions if you do this Lmaooo.
I'm doing just that Adam0604 doing my work amd trying to ignore the crap but I think it's getting a little out of hand now and I need to record this as mentioned and take this further legally as I don't want to get involved in cracking the pri** over the head as this is the only way it will really stop or get battered trying to stop this and I'm not allowing myself to get hit  for sure so something to knock the pri** out will have to be if worst comes to worst  :sad1:

Offline Pesky jones

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2016, 10:22:22 am »
As others have said, I can’t see this being a bad course of action.

Dash cam to protect your car – it might be an unwanted expense, but it could prove crucial and it might also help you out in the future in general.
Don’t ignore them completely, just don’t raise to it (don’t show any sign its upsetting you – don’t get angry etc).
Don’t do anything at all remotely illegal.
Log & record everything

Hope it turns out alright mate

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2016, 10:32:40 am »
@r5gtt as a manager pal I wouldn't stand for that sh"t if one of my guys was bullying another. As others have said gather tangible evidence against the offending parties. Also test the water with a bit of banter in case they are trying to suss the new guy out. Speak to this Steve to see if he had any issues at least then someone who is not directly involved will be aware and can be called upon later if needed. Regardless if it's a big company or small ur rights are the same and by law they will have procedures they have to follow. Gone are the days of what i used to call back door chats where u could go out for a fag tell them what's what and sort it. Now it's all HR. Find out who is in a union and ask for advise. Ultimately don't rise to it physically as tempting as I would be to sort the little pr""k out it will be them that will come out on top wen u lose ur job. In my experience bullying is born out of jealousy maybe ur car or how good u are at ur job making them look bad. U got a new job for a reason stick to ur ethics u can't move every time something happens. That's my management spiel anyway. Failing that give us all a shout and we will turn up 50 strong surround the building with the Golfs and have an anchor man style fight scene lol hope it works out pal

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Hello @Trow81 Steve has only stared 3 weeks ago and he hears a lot of this bul*shi* and I even tell him that these guys are being childish but he just said ignore it mate. You're right I should stick to my ethics and just carrying on doing my job and also the fact that I also think this Vincent drives a sh*tty rx8 and he's jealous of me having no experience in the strip fit scene and because I'm fast at what I do he can't take it and has started taking the wizz as I felt an uneasy feeling when he started asking me questions about my previous experience and when I mentioned not being a fitter he may have taken offence that I'm getting paid well and not having this licence he speaks about. I wish I had an army to go down there and grab a few throats as people in this world can be so cruel for no reason at all or as you said jealous of me if that is the case.

Thank you for your message and apologies if I've not  answered something here.

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2016, 10:41:08 am »
Hmmm. You mentioned this is a small place, but with two of you being new, that sounds like a lot of staff turnover - relatively. I wonder if they've been giving other fitters the same treatment, and the boss might be aware of it. Might just be testing you out to see how far they can push you - who know what motivates these idiots.

There may well  be repercussions whatever you do, so try to keep your head down and get on with the job, while you carefully think through your options. Maybe you could build an alliance with this new older guy - he's probably seen it all before.

A very difficult situation and no easy answer. Job hopping doesn't look great on your CV either.
I seriously thought I'd be happier here with no stress and just get on with life working my way through and just trying to be a nice guy but people don't see it that way as I do give as good as I get with this one pri** but most of the time I make him look stupid as when he says something dumb I just blank him and walk off  :signLOL: reverse psychology  :wink: play him at his own game here. I'll keep my head down and prod on and see what happens but liken others have kindly mentioned get this recorded I will definitely do this. Yes this place keeps losing staff as another fellow colleague has left for holidays and he said he's not coming back. he has his reasons due to being forced into being self employed by the MD and he's been with the company 15 years. nice fellow along with the Chinese bloke Sam who's has unfortunately gone back home due to his mother being very sick  :sad1: this Sam helps me put alot without the need to ask as he knows I'm no expert so he walks over to my unit and helps me. Hope he comes back as the others maybe taking the p more due to lack of the others being here.

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2016, 10:55:08 am »
One thing, do they know or could they have figured out that you use these forums? Ignoring the fact of what's being discussed in this thread, I think you posted what wage you would be earning when you got offered the job, maybe they saw that and if it's higher, then that is why the bullying has started? Also a lot (and before I get shot down; NOT all) of fitters/garages seem to have this culture of offensive banter, spraying each other with grease guns, hiding tools, disabling cars, swearing, (not so)jolly japes etc... It's not an excuse, I'm just saying. The likelihood is that the wiper thing was just supposed to be a prank and they did not intend to damage your car, it does not make it right, just saying.

There is also the fact that people that have been in a job a long time without any career progression don't work as hard as a fresh faces newb trying to make an impression, so that probably worries them.

Best of luck here, keep notes as already said, don't do anything back, don't do any pranks, keep it professional and work to your standard not theirs!


No mate they won't be on here for sure.

Salary and telling people on here isn't meant to show off but make sure I'm earning the correct salary and happier now I can afford to live.
These guys know the basic wage of a fitter at this establihment as I asked what do fitters get and he replied £15-18 an hour and I replied I don't even cone close just to keep him happy but he's been there 10 years so knows what's what imho. There's banter which we've had but there sarcasm and in your face kind of shi** I'm not liking and I don't believe I'm being tested as a newb as I'd know the difference mate. I'm 41 but small in frame and Asian so assuming this is the reason I'm being bullied along with a few other things coming to mind. I've scratched a few panels here and there so they call me scratchy  :signLOL: no matter I don't mind that but taking the pi** isn't something I appreciate in any case. This jerry bloke who said he'll sort me out if I talk to him was out of order and he called me a cheeky c**t for some reason and I don't even talk to him unless I want the trolley jack or a clip for a car. Why he did this is unknown as he calls me bruv bruv or did call me that. I'm getting the feeling that Vincent character is stirring some shi** to people as he keeps on lookomg at me when talking with others and others are also lookomg at me in a strange way at this point

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2016, 11:03:15 am »
As others have said, I can’t see this being a bad course of action.

Dash cam to protect your car – it might be an unwanted expense, but it could prove crucial and it might also help you out in the future in general.
Don’t ignore them completely, just don’t raise to it (don’t show any sign its upsetting you – don’t get angry etc).
Don’t do anything at all remotely illegal.
Log & record everything

Hope it turns out alright mate
Thanks Pesky mate, I'm keeping it real and doing the ignorance things and even blanking him when he says shi** to me. I'm not getting angry or showing him any signs of anger as I'm generally a clam person unless seriously provoked and still I try breath and carry on even though I wanna smack the bast*** across the head with my hammer.

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2016, 12:14:51 pm »
Life's too short to put up with that crap. Have you tried looking for similar jobs in the area? I'm not one to walk out when the going gets tough but even if the bullying does stop do you think the work atmosphere will ever be the same? Especially if the bully's just get away with a slap on the wrist.

But I would never be out of money because of the tossers so get another job lined up first before leaving.

As for payback, I would do something equally as bad to their cars and leave the rest to karma  :happy2:

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2016, 12:47:30 pm »
Life's too short to put up with that crap. Have you tried looking for similar jobs in the area? I'm not one to walk out when the going gets tough but even if the bullying does stop do you think the work atmosphere will ever be the same? Especially if the bully's just get away with a slap on the wrist.

But I would never be out of money because of the tossers so get another job lined up first before leaving.

As for payback, I would do something equally as bad to their cars and leave the rest to karma  :happy2:
I've not as I'm not trained in this field although the money is better than your average service technician shi** job working like a dog and ending up with naff all to show for it.

Yes even if I told management they'd probably just get a slap in the face I'd hope and that's that. Atmosphere isn't and will not be the same again I know this for sure.

That's why I'm not going to just walk out of the job as I'm thinking this is what the tea pots want. I'll be searching for new employment asap as I don't think this is the place for me any longer. So much for wan**** at thr work place. PAYBACK  :grin:don't you worry mate patience is a virtue. :happy2:

Offline r5gtt

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Re: How do I stop bullying at work
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2016, 01:18:43 pm »
Just found out from an agency bloke that the thing is  called MET or ATA and it's a day or two training which is bull**** tbh as which mechanic technician whatever can't take a part off and refit it  :signLOL: