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Author Topic: Gutted - another bit of advice needed  (Read 874 times)

Offline Ripstop

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Gutted - another bit of advice needed
« on: July 11, 2016, 10:33:16 am »
Not posted before but you chaps are full of information and I just need a little advice. I am a new Eddie owner #1000 and had the car a few weeks and loving it. Doing all the usual stuff and checking this and that to make sure everything is good and gave it a good clean yesterday. Looks great.... Driving to work today ... about 50 metres behind a couple of  gravel lorries playing tag and whack! Arrived at work to find a 10mm by 1mm scratch on the bonnet but its white on a black car, sticks out like Blackpool illuminations. Gutted! :sad1:

What's the best course of action here... I can't afford a big spend but I could live with a good cover up job. Should I use one of the stone chip companies? I am in the Hertfordshire area. Suggestions all welcome.

Stage 1 2007 Black Eddy  #1000 - VCDS Hex+Can (Novice coder). H&R springs, newish Bilstein B4's. Gen 3 Steering rack, Helix organic.  The car is *always* work in progress fixing and upgrading things.

Offline lukemk5gti

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Re: Gutted - another bit of advice needed
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 12:54:18 pm »
A white chip sounds like it just grazed it. Try polishing it out with a heavy compound first.

If it's definitely all the way through I would polish the area. Fill it. Colour match it with an artisits paintbrush. Lacquer it with same brush. Leave it a day to set. Polish lightly. Seal and wax.

Offline Ripstop

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Re: Gutted - another bit of advice needed
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2016, 01:03:35 pm »
Thanks for the advice Luke but I am afraid its deeper than that... through the lacquer, colour and primer and two tiny glimpses of shiny steel at the bottom. I am going to give a car chip repair company a go as it offends my eyes... even if its a tiny mark. I will let you know how I get on ... when I get my arse in gear ofc.

Stage 1 2007 Black Eddy  #1000 - VCDS Hex+Can (Novice coder). H&R springs, newish Bilstein B4's. Gen 3 Steering rack, Helix organic.  The car is *always* work in progress fixing and upgrading things.