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Author Topic: Strange snake noise from engine bay (Video noise)  (Read 2016 times)

Offline Aimson

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Strange snake noise from engine bay (Video noise)
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:39:26 pm »
Hi All,

Last week I took purchase of a 2010 2.0 TSi DSG Scirocco the face lift version (the dreaded chain tensioner death engine). 68k miles on the clock for a decent price. When it starts up cold in the morning the first change from 2nd to 3rd (i think 3rd to 4th too but would have to check again) seems to have a slight grinding or spinning noise from the right hand side of the engine, this only happens when putting the foot down and getting revs to 3k ish. After 30 seconds the noise has gone and the car is perfect for the rest of the day. The DSG box seems to be responsive and was given an oil change last year.

It almost sounds like a belt that isn't lubricated enough on cold?

Any ideas? Here is the video. I'll try to take a better one tomorrow. It sounds like a rattlesnake!

Offline Aimson

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Re: Strange snake noise from engine bay (Video noise)
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2016, 03:45:43 pm »
Here is another video,

To me it sounds like the dreaded 2.0 TSi timing chain tensioner. Anyone had this and know roughly how much it is to change at a decent indie?