Over a life time in Marine salvage/Offshore rigs etc...I have in the past had to jury-rig this type of unit (and bigger thru window type units), with quite some success.

It depends on window/opening type, but if you have a smallish opening, eg an upper fan-light window or similar, make up a piece of light ply wood or heavy plastic, tin or something, sized so as to fit the window opening; then fit your AC hot air vent hose adapter thru that. You can bodge up "ducting" from a surprising range of materials if you are really pushed!
Secure the wood/plastic/tin "blank" over the inside of the open window, and TEMPORARILY (this weather will NOT last!) secure with Gaffa tape, silicon, Velcro..or WHY...
Connect your vent hose - hey presto - vents to outside!
It won't be pretty, but you will be able to sleep! And in my case your computers/control panels etc keep running too! and it certainly is cheap!
You will also need to remember to connect a drain of some sort for the condensation off the AC evaporator coils (the cold bit), or it will get messy!
I have also TEMPORARILY connected an AC hot air out vent into a Bathroom/WC toilet extractor fan; that's OK as long as the fan is rated to run continuously (or it is very cheap

Just don't tell my C & G "FGas and ODP" (AC Mech course) lecturer

Usual disclaimer about liability etc...... :
Let me know how you get on?