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Author Topic: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?  (Read 3002 times)

Offline Juliand

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Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« on: July 21, 2016, 09:42:04 am »
We have a mobile Air con unit, unused since purchase a few years back, bought for our conservatory in the first place, but never used it because of the ball ache of routing the flexi-exhaust hose somewhere.

Anyway, with the recent heatwave, been thinking of using it in the bedroom, and getting it plumbed in / vented properly to a wall or window. Anyone know what's needed / involved? Shame not to use it. :thinking:


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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2016, 09:46:35 am »
Core drill through the wall

Offline raz469

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2016, 05:02:04 pm »
As rich says. Best to vent through the wall. Core drill a hole through both brick skins. This is probably gonna cost. £200-300 i guess. They charge alot.
Not done his but you might need to drill a bigger hole then the vent pipe for insulation. So price hike again for coring. Few L brackets outside bit of outdoor electrics and bish bash bosh your cool. Sorry for making it more complicated then needs to be but knowledge is power friend.

Try Drilltec, they based in luton I believe. Used them my whole life for coring (alot) and they are ace.

Offline 902jamied

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2016, 06:11:25 pm »
Hi just stumbled across your post. I fit airconditioning for a living. I know you already have it but i would go drilling you walls for a portable a/c unit. Your best off buying a split system for your conservatory as they look smart and work so much better.

Offline 902jamied

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2016, 06:18:39 pm »
Hi just stumbled across your post. I fit airconditioning for a living. I know you already have it but i would go drilling you walls for a portable a/c unit. Your best off buying a split system for your conservatory as they look smart and work so much better.

Wouldnt go drilling your walls i was meant to say. (phone auto text)

Offline raz469

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2016, 06:56:18 pm »
Hi just stumbled across your post. I fit airconditioning for a living. I know you already have it but i would go drilling you walls for a portable a/c unit. Your best off buying a split system for your conservatory as they look smart and work so much better.

Wouldnt go drilling your walls i was meant to say. (phone auto text)

Hi 902Jamied,

Whilst i get what your saying, others might not.

The new style system you mention above for the conservatory does not require coring through the walls.

The ac system the op has does or does not require it?

Thanks for stumbling, can't beat a pro

Offline Juliand

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2016, 07:09:43 pm »
Thanks for all the helpful replies - i should have made it clearer.... we originally bought the unit for the conservatory in the first place, but as we now know with conservatories - too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter - ha ha; so this portable unit would only be for the bedroom. Been in the box in the garage for a few years, and moved to a  house with main bedroom facing direct south, so it's been flippin hot - hence thoughts on getting it of the box.

Sounds trickier than I thought though. Better check that it works before going to the expense of core drilling etc. All helpful stuff though. many thanks

Offline grey golfster

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2016, 07:38:53 pm »
Over a life time in Marine salvage/Offshore rigs etc...I have in the past had to jury-rig this type of unit (and bigger thru window type units), with quite some success. :ashamed:

It depends on window/opening type, but if you have a smallish opening, eg an upper fan-light window or similar, make up a piece of light ply wood or heavy plastic, tin or something, sized so as to fit the window opening; then fit your AC hot air vent hose adapter thru that. You can bodge up "ducting" from a surprising range of materials if you are really pushed!
Secure the wood/plastic/tin "blank" over the inside of the open window, and TEMPORARILY (this weather will NOT last!) secure with Gaffa tape, silicon, Velcro..or WHY...
Connect your vent hose - hey presto - vents to outside!

It won't be pretty, but you will be able to sleep! And in my case your computers/control panels etc keep running too! and it certainly is cheap!

You will also need to remember to connect a drain of some sort for the condensation off the AC evaporator coils (the cold bit), or it will get messy!

I have also TEMPORARILY connected an AC hot air out vent into a Bathroom/WC toilet extractor fan; that's OK as long as the fan is rated to run continuously (or it is very cheap :grin: )

Just don't tell my C & G "FGas and ODP" (AC Mech course)  lecturer  :evilgrin:

Usual disclaimer about liability etc...... :

Let me know how you get on?

Offline 902jamied

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Re: Home Air Conditioning Unit - Wall / Window Plumbing?
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2016, 10:49:18 pm »
Hi just stumbled across your post. I fit airconditioning for a living. I know you already have it but i would go drilling you walls for a portable a/c unit. Your best off buying a split system for your conservatory as they look smart and work so much better.

Wouldnt go drilling your walls i was meant to say. (phone auto text)

Hi 902Jamied,

Whilst i get what your saying, others might not.

The new style system you mention above for the conservatory does not require coring through the walls.

The ac system the op has does or does not require it?

Thanks for stumbling, can't beat a pro

The system he has technically needs a vent or whole drilled but as grey golfster says you could just put the flexible hose through a window if its only small.
The split system i mentioned isnt new they have been around for many years. In a conservatory you would have a wall mounted unit high up with 2 pipes a cable and drain to a condenser outside. would require a 2 inch hole to outside. They used to be expensive but are now much more affordable. And a better investment long term.