Oh crappers

make sure you adhere to the last paragraph as I believe this to have failed.
Try this.
If you look at a wiring diagram, you will notice the ECM-(J220) does have a connection to the J293 and this is the signal wire the ECM uses to command the fan 'on', using a PWM (pulsed-width-modulated signal).
You should be able to conduct an Output Test with the ECM (key-on, engine-off). The fan should 'ramp-up' from 0 to 100% and back to 0% speed.
If the fan does not operate check the Measuring Value Block(MVB) Group 135, field 2 will show you in (%) the current fan output speed from the ECM.
MVB-137 will show you some AC system status/request info.
If the above looks okay, check the fuses:
S4(5amp) = Located on the left side of dash
S42(40/60amp) = Located above relay panel in dash
If they are okay, you will need to check the signal from the ECM to the J293, use of an oscilloscope is the preferred way. You maybe able to see some voltage on a DVOM, set to AC voltage, but that is only RMS voltage.
If there is no ECM signal, check the wiring to J293 from the ECM, should be the red/white wire.
And if you have voltage in, signal in and the fan powers-up, it sounds like the J293 has failed.