Hey Guys,
So I got an Ed30 a couple of months back and at the time of purchase I felt that the MAF was faulty. After running the car a couple hundred kms the CEL came up. The codes were as follows P0100, P0139 and P1602. The bloke at the shop that the car didn't sound too healthy on idle and that it was most likely the MAF. After some quick reading on the forum, I figured I'll change out the MAF along with a few other parts.
Cam Follower, Rev G Diverter Valve, Plugs, Coil Packs, Air filter mat (There was a really dirty K&N in it, so I replaced it with a stock mat), Engine Oil change and of course the MAF.
After doing all of this the car idled the way it should, she was so smooth and the power delivery was great! I was stoked

. Oh and obviously the fuel economy improved drastically. I was averaging 14-16 L/100km before and after a little TLC she was down to 10-11 L/100km (even with some spirited driving on the autobahn).
Yesterday on the way to work the problem came back. Basically it idles alright (around 700rpms) but sometimes its not constant and would dip or climb up.. Car feels quite unhealthy again and has a very bassy tone upto 3000rpm. She doesn't have that get up and go that she did after the parts were changed out. Also sounds like there is a fuel cut or something at times (this was also there before the parts were changed out), so when I put my foot down the power comes on kinda chokes for a moment and then back again. This is mainly noticed on stop and gos and not so much when I'm on the autobahn.
Basically, why would this come back? If it really is MAF related why would my brand new MAF be shot after no longer than 2 weeks on the car!
Also why would the car go from being healthy to her old self after a couple of weeks

Any help would be greatly appreciated fellas.
Lil info about the car.
Edition 30
R8 coilpacks, NGK Platinum plugs, Rev G DV
85Tkm on the clock, Timing belt was changed prior to sale by the previous owner.
Manual Gearbox
FSW Catback Exhaust (Manuf. by REMUS)
Thanks in advance.