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Author Topic: No heat emitting from heater  (Read 2179 times)

Offline Aaron75

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No heat emitting from heater
« on: August 04, 2016, 09:17:16 pm »
 :thinking:I have a 2008 mk5 GT TDI BKD, The heating system is Climatic, with three separate manual dial controls with a separate aircon and recirculate button with the dot In between.
The Aircon works fine, the blower works fine middle dial in all speed positions, the various directional control flaps (3rd dial works fine, and
However the heater is not responding to the first temp control dial. The air remains cool ?
The coolant is fine, temp gauge reads 85-90 degrees(this us also consistent with VCDS OBD II readings of coolant temp, there are no fault codes showing on VCDS Checked HVAC and performed Output tests on temp flap motor, it's working.
The coolant is flowing through the engine all hoses top bottom in between all eventually heat up so no thermostat issues (eng/coolant temp remains consistent doesn't overheat.

What could it be ?
The temp dial feels loose or has less resistance when turning it compared to the 3rd dial, I checked on a friends car with identical system and I experienced a more gritty/incremental feel when turning his dial.
Is it possible that the Bowden cable has come off ?
I have read on other  forums that there is no Bowden cable connected to the temp dial for climatic systems (even though there is a fitting at the back of the dial), that climatic system relied on a thermostatic control (not a cable) that sends a signal remotely to the temp flap motor, is this correct ?
I just want to know a fix and pointed to a How to guide please !!!