Hi all
happy new year 
Not an exciting update, yet...
I ordered some more detailing goodies so that i can finally detail my eddy this weekend. I had ran quite low on some essential bits so i needed to replace them before i could detail my own car. (its in dieing need as ive washed the car 3 times since August
I will be spending all day Saturday and Sunday getting my eddy lookings it best, As i am girlfriend free from Thursday night till Sunday evening, perfect time to detail
! actually looking forward to getting all my gear out and hitting the car 
I have always wanted to try the Menzerna power lock sealant and collinite combo after watching many of obsessed garages videos on Youtube, hopefully it works just as well for me as it does for him 
I will update this thread on sunday evening/monday morning with the detail pictures, warning! it will be a long post! 
I will have my spacers for sale after this weekend if any one wants them

Have you got any recommendations for YouTube videos on detailing? I could do with starting simple and building up my knowledge and experience that way. I'd love to be able to achieve great results!
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There's plenty of channels for detailing, if your after tips then Mike Phillips (ex Meguiars) has a great amount of videos when hes doing product reviews etc
I personally watch Obsessed garage and also Ammo NYC channels. Not necessarily for learning but just generally because i like there videos and ideas, There videos are quite lengthy but a good watch
If you have a good tolerance for irritating voices watch Car cleaning Guru, I dont really enjoy his videos to be honest!
Chemical Guys are in my opinion a bunch of helmets! they seem to just slightly tweak and existing product and call it "brand new, next best thing blah blah blah" and the guys personality and voice make me angry

.... I do use Jet seal 109 on my glass though

In all honest you really teach yourself how to detail, once youve done a few cars you get to know what works and what doesn't. Arm speed, pressure and all them factors is also down to the individual and the job in hand . There's no rule that a inch per second with 10lbs of pressure will correct every single car. Trial and error is the best way to learn to be honest. Use what products, pads, towels work best for you on your car, reading something online doesn't mean that pad and product will correct your own car.
Its a very addictive hobby and will take a nice chunk out of your pocket too! but the finish is rewarding when youve completed a detail.
Jedi-Knight83 is a pro-detailer on here, he might help you with some questions you may have too