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Author Topic: Blue connector under edition 30 seats  (Read 1340 times)

Offline Greigzy

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Blue connector under edition 30 seats
« on: August 12, 2016, 08:17:49 pm »

A query I hope someone can answer  :smiley:

I am currently wiring in the heated and electric lumbar parts of my edition 30 seats to the golf. Having read the great guide on here, it says that you can either extend the kufatec loom or switch the driver and passenger seat looms from under seats over.

I have disconnected both looms from the seats at their connectors. Putting the passenger loom onto the driver seat, there seems to be an extra blue connector, with a purple wire and purple/white stripped wire. What is this for?

My fear is that I need to strip the seats back further and take everything from one seat to another  :scared: