General > Detailing



If you do a decent job at compounding/correcting - do you really need to apply a polish? can you just apply a wax/sealant?

Usually the act of using an aggressive compound or heavy cut polish will leave buffer trails due micro scratches/marring which need to be removed using a less aggressive polish. Something like Meg's M205 is a very good refining polish to finish off the polishing stage before applying protection such as a wax or sealant.


You correct/ compound using a polish, a polish is whatever has cut in it to remove marks in the paint. If you're talking about refining then it's worth doing to achieve the best result and move smaller marks from the compounding stage like Chris said.

It's kind of like doing something with wet and dry. Starting with a coarser compound then working up to a really light compound. Always get the best results that way. Also, a good refining compound often contains fillers, which a cutting compound won't.

Cut, refine, protect.


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