All Things Mk5 > Performance Modifications
Opinions of BlueFin / Superchips...
no hidden agenda hedge, purely just negative experiences(apart from bluefin stage 1 which was good)
as i said, they have proven good on the k04, but on multiple k03 cars they have not perfomed as well as expected. I owuldnt have shelled out anextra £450 for another remap if i hadnt the reason to.
I have a similar dilemma, but I have been told that the Revo will not change the flash count on the ECU, hence unlikely to raise eyebrows at the dealers. I maybe wrong though.
Bluefin - awesome :happy2:
It's cheaper than others but performs just aswell. I got really good figures on a rr day recently and was just as fast as revo ed30's at santa pod :happy2:
Ultimately REVO will produce the bigger figures on an ED30 mainly due to it's fine tuning ability through the SPS+ controller, but BF/SC isn't far behind at all. If you are chasing the last ounce of performance out of your car then go for REVO. If you are happy with a powerful car that will still perform very well then I'd stick with your Bluefin. I've had SC on my four cars previous to this and was very happy with them all. :happy2:
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