Bloody heck man thought you were getting some where ans bang it's back to bite you in a butt.
I know you say misfire on cylinder two so maybe it is the injector after all.
I know, it's getting silly now. Why couldn't it do this when Mike did the logging with me two days ago? WHY?!
Yeah if I had to guess I'd say injector. Would a knackered injector be obvious to the eye once it's removed? I'm guessing it'd need the spray testing to come to any sort of conclusion. But an intermittently failing injector, I'm not sure.
At least I've got it booked in, even though it's a few weeks away I'm confident Steve will at the very least diagnose it. If it means the injector needs replacing then so be it. Just want the bloody thing sorted.
Nope, not obvious. The nozzle on mine wasn't clogged at all. Looked identical to the other 3 which worked fine. I think something internal just wears out on them over time.
It's certainly looking like it's the cause. Holding back in boost is usually always a sign of insufficient fuel, and that clanking noise was detonation, so be very careful until you get this sorted.
Thanks mate. I'm hoping to catch up with Steve again soon, see what he thinks about the idea of getting a full set of refurbed injectors in.
I've decided not to do the trip to Wales, there just seems like too much to risk, and it buys me a bit of time. Which is a shame because the weather should have been good; the next I can get down is October and it starts getting a bit fresh on the coast!
Anyway, no misfires today.
Yeah it's a bit risky! The most damaging detonation can't usually be heard because it's higher up the revs, and then it's usually too late. It would be better if the injector failed completely because no fuel = nothing to burn and therefore no det. But they kind of half work and cause a very lean burn, which is dangerous to your engine's health!
Given how common this problem is, I'd definitely be sticking some new ones or refurbed ones in asap!
I've now got a used set on the way which I'll be getting refurbished by - just waiting for a reply from him as he's closed til 31st. They will be going in when I'm at Statller at the end of September.
I've also spoken to Steve and emailed him the data logs. I don't know if he'll see anything suspect there as the car was running spot on when we did the logs.
So, there's a bit of a wait til I get the injectors in but at least then I can in theory rule out plugs, coils and injectors. From then it's a case of fingers crossed. Any more misfires could point to something much more expensive. Although the compression is good across all 4 so I'm quietly confident.