Right, here's a challenge for those posters who say it's 'sour grapes' from the 'remain' voters.....
I would like each of you 'exiters' that have posted so far to come up with 6, yes just half a dozen, real examples each, of rules or regulations that the EU has imposed upon the UK (telling us what to do!), that the UK would not have wanted to implement of its own accord. That shouldn't be difficult for you..... Straight off, because you all know your facts, no internet research, six examples, straight off from each of you. Starter for 10, as they say......
Looking forward to your responses. By my reckoning, that should be at least 18 specific different examples posted here without delay
Don't delay.....do it today..... 
If you want a few examples of what the EU as told us what to do,,, Just ask the farmers & fishermen of the UK, They will give you a lot more than the 5 or 6 answers you require
You miss the critical point... There are many examples, but it's wrong to say these are imposed by people round a table from another country......The UK has had an input / involvement and a vote on these decisions, through MEP's etc and representation. I have asked for examples where the Uk has not been involved in the EU decision making processes, and no surprise, no one has been able to provide any such examples - There's this huge misconception that the EU decisions are imposed upon the UK, without any UK input.
What I have done is to ask for the evidence - none provided.....
If you think that the financial support provided by the EU to UK farming etc will be replaced by direct UK funding, then I think you are deluding yourself - just look at all the cutbacks - the bulk of money the Uk pays to the EU will just be absorbed into savings on the public purse
. I agree with a lot of what you say but it's time for this great nation to stand on its own 2 feet, Many people have been called racist because of their views on immigration But the schools doctors & local services can only take so much, I'm not a racist by any means,,, I even support & donate for Palestinian freedom & justice But I do think this country can only take so much & we should have our own control on people from other EU country's coming here,