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Author Topic: Ram Air Induction Kit  (Read 34489 times)

Offline slix

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Re: Ram Air Induction Kit
« Reply #75 on: August 25, 2016, 04:13:19 pm »
You like the noises so much you are mashing the pedal harder? :grin:

This is a distinct possibility  :happy2: :laugh: :smiley:

The ram air makes a horrible noise  :doh:

I'm kinda inclined to agree with you! It ain't subtle and it ain't pretty :laugh:

Do you have any experience of any others that sound better?

I drove an edition 30 with an EVOMS intake and that wasn't very nice either :ashamed:

Does anyone make an induction kit for this car that actually sounds good??

No, I took it off for the horrible noise reason and I'm looking to replace in the future with something better sounding. I just want a bit of subtle induction noise with a nice bit of chatter when you let off the gas. The ram air did neither.
Stage "1.5" ED30 [330BHP] Rtech

Offline unzippy

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Re: Ram Air Induction Kit
« Reply #76 on: August 25, 2016, 04:14:56 pm »
To be fair, if you make more power you will use more fuel...

100% agree :happy2:

I'd been keeping an eye on it since going stage 1 map. If anything the map improved economy a little bit.

When I installed the 3in turbo it made a lot more power and hurt the economy just a little.

But when I installed the RamAir it made a little bit more power but the fuel economy plummeted?? It's really weird. I presume it's all in the map or fuel trims or whatever?

I'm ok with spanners but i am a total numpty when it comes to mapping :ashamed: :ashamed:

My feeling is that it's running rich in the cruise portion of the map probably to compensate for the extra air passing the MAF sensor?

The only reason I say that is because on a recent long, boring and steady motorway drive it just gobbled up all my fuel even though my right foot was being parsimonious :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway, POWA is so much important than economy anyways... So who cares :smiley: :smiley: :happy2:

Interesting stuff.  I fitted mine a couple of weeks back and but haven't really noticed anything bar the noise.

I'm driving to Amsterdam this weekend so will keep an eye on it and report back.

Offline ducman77

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Re: Ram Air Induction Kit
« Reply #77 on: August 25, 2016, 07:56:56 pm »
No, I took it off for the horrible noise reason and I'm looking to replace in the future with something better sounding. I just want a bit of subtle induction noise with a nice bit of chatter when you let off the gas. The ram air did neither.

That's exactly what I'm looking for too. Let me know if you find the right kit :happy2:

Interesting stuff.  I fitted mine a couple of weeks back and but haven't really noticed anything bar the noise.

I'm driving to Amsterdam this weekend so will keep an eye on it and report back.

Yes please. Keep us posted. I'm sorta suspicious that mine has decided to run super rich for some reason unrelated to the RamAir. Will be very interested to see how yours performs on a long drive :happy2:

must say noise dosent bother me.  i've heard it be compared to an out of tune flute before. i kinda like the whooshy harmonics

Yeah; although the sound is not what I was expecting (and I probably would change it if a "better" sounding kit was available) I still like the bit of compressor surge on lift off and the way it sounds absolutely bat sh*t crazy in conjunction with the decat from 4,500 to 7,000 rpm :laugh: :laugh:

I'm definitely gonna leave it in on until something better comes along :smiley:

I've hear the Volkswagen Racing set up is almost like stock sound wise, but good bit of grunt when you're on WOT. Could be worth a shot. Bit hard to justify the price though :stupid:

Offline unzippy

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Re: Ram Air Induction Kit
« Reply #78 on: September 01, 2016, 12:05:01 pm »
Dunkirk to Amsterdam on Sunday - 29mpg
Amsterdam to Dunkirk on Weds - 31mpg

I was a little hungover on the way home, I think that accounts for the better mpg!
Driving was mostly 80mph which is 3k revs and just before boost properly builds. 

AMD stage 1 map with milltek catback and a oversized RamAir.

I suppose I really should have taken the engine cover so that I could do a proper test, one journey with induction and one with std filter.

Offline ducman77

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Re: Ram Air Induction Kit
« Reply #79 on: September 01, 2016, 12:09:53 pm »
Fair play Unzippy. Thanks a million for the feedback :happy2:

I'd be chuffed with ~30mpg :smiley:

Definitely something up with my motor and to be honest I'd don't think it's likely to be related to the RamAir....

Need to get my thinking cap on :thinking: :thinking:

Thanks again for the feedback..