Hi all, just bought myself the above car, 56 plate, leather FSH with 85K. So far really pleased with the car but a couple things that I wanted to get done...
First replaced the pollen filter and air filter with a Pipercross filter - very easy 5-10 min job each filter. I also wanted to change the DV for a GFB DV+ which wasn't too bad and took about 45 mins all in all! The most interesting thing was during removal I discovered a forge blow off valve sitting in front the DV!!! I'll put it up for sale once I can post as I don't want it on the car...
Other future items to get done are full service (well, apart from the 2 filters I changed), HPFP cam follower and possibly do the PCB while I'm at it for peace of mind.
I'll also change the head unit and and I've been looking at the Pumpkin Android 5.1 unit on Amazon, if i do get it I'll post a full review as I've only seen the 4.4 version mentioned in other posts.
Not sure if I'm too keen on the anthracite grey alloys if I'm honest and thinking of getting them back to their diamond cut gloriousness love that look!
Anyway, just wanted to say Hi and I'll try and update this thread as and when funds and time permit - here's some quick pics that I took on the phone but will be putting better ones on after some detailing!

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