All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

New car: R32

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--- Quote from: Martk19871 on September 02, 2016, 09:15:52 pm ---Nice new motor man. I think the wheels from the tdi would suit it :happy2:

--- End quote ---

The brakes would suit it for sure but after taking the car for a good drive out round country roads just think the 19" bbs will make me drive it more gentle

Great motor mate  :drool: Fastest colour too  :congrats:

I think them phase 2 wheels need to go  :P

I love those wheels........

(I might be a bit biased though cos I have a set in the garage to refurb and fit to my GTI :grin: :grin:)

Yeah must admit i like the original wheels think they suit the car


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