All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

New car: R32

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This one isn't getting much done but we all say that :grin:
Getting lowered on springs and few other bits to tidy up and just going to enjoy it

Powervalve Nige:
Looks like a beauty  :happy2:

Gorgeous mate :happy2: just gorgeous :smiley:

Would absolutely love one of these even just for a year or two.

Unfortunately in Ireland they're €1,800 (£1,520) per year in road tax. So it's never gonna happen :sad1:

Enjoy it..... Capristo exhaust anyone :rolleye:


More pics please.


--- Quote from: maxitrol on September 02, 2016, 12:24:47 pm ---This one isn't getting much done but we all say that :grin:
Getting lowered on springs and few other bits to tidy up and just going to enjoy it

--- End quote ---

 :grin: :grin: :grin: Yeah, yeah - we'll see!!!
And good on ya, you most certainly will enjoy it as is  :happy2:


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