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Playing with a light-wand

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Dave KG:
Very cool pics there, I love playing with light in night shots :)

You use a stick that glows like a torch bit like those things you see crewman using to help land/take off aircraft that they wave about in their hands.

Then you adjust the shutter speed. If you use a fast shutter speed at say F1, you get a clean sharp picture of the car. If you use a slow shutter speed, the car appears a little blurred, so it looks like it's moving.

Don't think it can be PSed properly though.


--- Quote from: Top Cat on December 23, 2008, 09:08:45 pm --- great shots, i love em!

--- End quote ---

Afraid not, as stealthwolf notes, it's something you have to do IRL. A lightwand is basically a long... thing with a bunch of white LEDs on it, used for vehicle/paint inspections and the like. I set my camera to a very long exposure (and a few other settings) and ran around the vehicle with the lightwand. No photoshop at all in this!

That looks amazing, great shots there :happy2:

They look amazing, i got a d40 and had a play about writing my name with a torch, did'nt come out quite as good as yours but i'm still learning.


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