Front ARB bushes are a major pain

Myself and a friend (he's a mechanic) tackled this job together. Took us 12 hours!!!
You cannot remove the V/W bushes off the bar. They are fixed to the bar. Obviously VW want you to buy the bar and bushes together, which is mad

We had to drop the subframe completely, not just lower it a little bit like in the ECS video, to get the bar and bushes out.
Then we had to chop the V/W brackets up to get the V/W bushes out and replace them with the powerflew ones i'd bought. Then we had to fabricate a nut and bolt set up for the original clamps.
Overall it was a total nightmare and I would definitely pay someone else to do it if i was you

Throwing away the V/W bar and fitting an after market one would make the job a good bit easier in fairness