Dinner plates are in the next update, I promise! lol
I have a list of parts that i have been on the lookout for since i started this project. Some of them are quite hard to come by but i am prepared to wait for them. About 3 months in and i think i have 80% of them now, the main ones anyway. I will feed these into the thread as i bought them. I signed up to all the usual Facebook pages when i am on the lookout for parts.
Since the engine is good, I don't really want to spend another £1000-1500 on getting more power out of it. 230bhp is more than enough for the time being so i want to focus on the chassis first. However one part that does need looking at is the gearbox. I exchanged a few messages with our gearbox guru Martin Emment (aka Hotgolf) even before i found this car and he offered some great advice so a plan was hatched. I just needed to gather all the parts and ship them to him for the build-up.
Firstly, TSR had a great deal on Quaife LSD's so i ordered one in 02Q flavour along with the APR bolt kit.

I managed to find a very low mileage 02Q 'box from an edition 30 at a breakers for a great price so i bought that also. My plan is to build up a new 'box so i can just do a swap out and then sell on my old one. The new one is a different code but it's a slightly later code and mine is an early one. They are identical gearboxes though.

Luke Deakin mentioned that there were a few possible modifications to these 02M/Q 'boxes to strengthen them internally and externally. Some of them are VW parts from a later model and some custom made from the likes of Darkside Developments. After much more research i had an idea of the parts i needed, and it was adding up!
The VW parts are steel shift forks for the 1st-2nd & 3rd-4th gear. These are from a MK6 GTI gearbox whereas the MK5 GTI forks are made from bronze and are known to break. There is no steel shift fork for 5th-6th, only a pin/rivet to bolt mod.

These are the bronze sliders that go on the tips of the forks above.

This picture is actually from after Martin had built the box up and taken it apart again as it would not turn. You can see why as the bronze slider was too close to the input shaft and looking the box from turning. A small modification was needed and it's fine now :thumbup:

Then we have the 4th gear input shaft support mod.

Then there were several pieces of machining needed for other mods. The input shafts on these are hollow and can be known to deform under higher power. As i will be getting more power from the engine eventually, i thought it made sense to do all these while it was open. Thankfully Martin is fully equipped and capable to manufacture all of these parts required. They include 2 input shafts.

They have to be an exact fit to insert into the input shaft to strengthen it. Sadly they are both different as one has 2 steps and the other has 3 steps.

These are then welded at the top to lock to two shaft together and stop it from moving around.

Then it was on to installing the Quaife. Martin machines the standard rivets to split the diff & crown wheel instead of drilling them out. This ensures that you do not elongate the hole and you can also reuse the standard diff after, as a paperweight maybe?

However, another problem. The holes in the Quaife were a fraction too small so it meant the swarf from pressing the bolt in got stuck under the bolt head and it would not sit flat.
Apparently this was a problem a while back when Quaife first started making these. They designed them for use with the OE bolts but supply issues meant they had to switch to APR bolts which were slightly thicker. There was a cross-over period of some bolts not fitting the smaller hole but i gave TSR a call and this Quaife was from new stock so I’m not sure why we had this issue.

This is an APR bolt in the standard diff, No problem!

Sadly there was only one thing for it. Machine down all of the APR bolts to fit the Quaife Diff! Thankfully this is something Martin had done before for another customer so got straight on with it. Sadly there are 12 of them!!!

This is the 6th gear mod. The old rivet has been drilled out. A bolt inserted and then ground flat. I think a bit of welding was involved also lol

A shim was required and instead of buying one he made one! Handy when you have the tools!

We have run into another problem. The 4th gear support block fouls the reverse switch. Martin managed to cut a little off the support block to allow a plug to go on. I might have to trim the plug down a little also but worst case is i have to use some spades instead of a plug system

And that’s it! One fresh 02Q/M 'box ready for the track. I can’t wait to get this installed. I will also use a few 034 motorsport bushes to tighten up the shift as the rubber ones have perished a bit and i have a sloppy stick lol

I want to thank Martin for all his help and patience on building this gearbox. He really knows his gears so if anyone wants any work done, Give "Hotgolf" a PM or let me know and i can put him in contact with you.
While this was going on, A BCS Power valve exhaust which was on my list of parts came up for sale on Facebook. It was the R32 exit version instead of the Edition 30/GTI one sadly but i actually prefer the R32 style so i purchased this as well as the bumper freshly painted in Red. Luckily this was also in wales so planned to combine the 2 trips to collect it all at the same time...