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Author Topic: H&R RARB help please...  (Read 1331 times)

Offline bRinkz

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H&R RARB help please...
« on: April 15, 2013, 09:05:52 pm »
So yesterday I fitted my 24mm RARB to the Cupra.  Tightened up the D bushes with the clamp nice and tight, tightened up the drop links.  Now, I did the drop links whilst her backside was still up in the air - I just used the jack to push the hub upwards and line things up, but obviously had to do one side at a time.

I took her out staright away and all felt fine, no noises and nothing fell apart - job was a good one.  So i'm coming home and I go over a speed bump outside a school, you know, one of those raised zebra crossing things.  Hear a slight 'clunk' as the back went up and off it.  I didn't worry too much.

So gets up this morning and takes the little one to school - village school, up some country roads.  I'm hearing constant clunking from the back end.  I goes to work and parked up in the local multi storey, as i'm navigating my way up i'm hearing the clunks every time i hit a ramp.  So I called APS where I got the bar from and chatted with Ed, he reckons I put the D bush brackets on to tight and the bar isn't rotating as it should, thus putting pressure on the drop links and causing the noise.

I gets home tonight, jacked her back up and loosened the brackets and tightened them back up to a max 30nm.

Still getting the same flipping noise when driving casually  :sad1:

Now if I put her under load in a corner I hear nothing, drive steady in a straight line or around a bend and 'clunk, clunk-flipping-clunk'.

Have I simply cream crackered the drop links???

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Re: H&R RARB help please...
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 09:13:58 pm »
You shouldnt have had to push the suspension arm up to fit it... you should be able to fit it with the wheels hanging loose.

Offline bRinkz

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Re: H&R RARB help please...
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 09:33:50 pm »
To be fair I didn't have to push them up too far, just to help manipulate the droplink back in place.

I forgot to say that I put it on the tightest setting of the two.