Autotech’s high volume output fuel pump this reply is factual from VW friend in the USA ,from aututech and VW so to help MK5GolfGTI with there instalation of new pump,i have also bought one from our Groupbuy,i hope this help's
Autotech’s high volume output fuel pump kit for 2.0T VW and
Audi engine applications, our part #10.127.100k.
This kit is designed to provide up to 50% greater fuel volume than the standard factory
fuel pump. In order to drive this additional fuel volume under the basic laws of physics it
will take up to 50% proportionally more pressure to drive the pump.
The pump is driven by a lobe on the factory intake camshaft which in turn drives the fuel
pump piston through a follower. The pressure exerted on the cam lobe can be up to 50%
greater than the standard application. Both VW and Audi have issued factory “Technical
Service Bulletins†regarding abnormal camshaft wear and failure with the standard stock
factory installed fuel pump. Both companies have issued corrective actions which
include replacing the factory stock camshaft with a new camshaft that has improved
surface hardened fuel pump lobes. The part number for this new camshaft is
06F.109.101B and is available at any VW or Audi dealer.
Before proceeding with the installation of Autotech’s high volume fuel pump kit, it is
imperative that the installer check for wear on the existing camshaft and follower. If
worn, the camshaft must replaced. If not worn, it will be necessary to identify which
camshaft you have in your engine by looking at the part number etched in the cam
between the lobes for the number 2 and number 3 cylinders. The old style (less hardened
cam) is marked with part #06F.109.101A. Those customers who have the old style cam
should strongly consider changing to the new cam part #06F.109.101B.
Regardless of which camshaft you are using, Autotech cannot guarantee that your
camshaft’s fuel pump lobe will not experience increased wear leading to a catastrophic
failure. All customers who choose to use Autotech’s high volume fuel pump must accept
the additional risk of camshaft failure. It is incumbent upon the customer to check for
wear of the camshaft and follower on a regular basis and replace those parts as necessary
as a preventive measure against future failure. To be able to enjoy the benefits of this
part it is necessary for the customer to accept responsibility for wear and tear on other
related parts as mentioned above on their vehicle.
Antotech, therefore will not accept any warranty or merchantability claims for camshaft
and/or follower failures or any damage as a result of those failures for this product. The
customer agrees to accept all risk when using this product.