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Removing Swirls Black Paint
Unfortunately the black paint on my GTi is full of swirl marks :( After trying various products that can "achieve great results by hand" I have learned that its all rubbish and I need to invest in a DA polisher.
What I could use some help with is the process from removal to waxing. In my head the steps would be:
Swirl removal - I have G3 scratch and swirl remover & Meguires ultimate compound left from my hand attempts, will either be suitable for use with the DA?
Polish - I've been using Autoglym super resin polish which works nicely but sometimes I find it difficult to buff off but again that was by hand so could be easier with DA. I've also seen a lot of hype around poorboys black hole for dark paint, any recommendations?
Sealant? - I've been reading that once you have polished then the paint needs sealing? Any advice or tips and products would be great
Wax - I'm currently out of wax so any recommendations for dark paint welcome!
--- Quote from: loudancoe on September 13, 2016, 12:56:07 pm ---Unfortunately the black paint on my GTi is full of swirl marks :( After trying various products that can "achieve great results by hand" I have learned that its all rubbish and I need to invest in a DA polisher.
What I could use some help with is the process from removal to waxing. In my head the steps would be:
Swirl removal - I have G3 scratch and swirl remover & Meguires ultimate compound left from my hand attempts, will either be suitable for use with the DA?
Polish - I've been using Autoglym super resin polish which works nicely but sometimes I find it difficult to buff off but again that was by hand so could be easier with DA. I've also seen a lot of hype around poorboys black hole for dark paint, any recommendations?
Sealant? - I've been reading that once you have polished then the paint needs sealing? Any advice or tips and products would be great
Wax - I'm currently out of wax so any recommendations for dark paint welcome!
--- End quote ---
Decontamination - Before you start machine polishing I'd make sure the car is decontaminated properly, if not you can get micro marring when using the machine polisher. I usually wash, rinse and then polish the car, after this I would then clay the car/ or the panels I'd be using the machine polisher on. The next step for me would then be to use a bug and tar remover/fall out remover to remove any contamination that is still present. I'd then rinse the car again before I start machine polishing
Swirl Remover - I use megs 105 and megs 205 so I don't know if the ones you have are suitable for machine polishing (hopefully someone will come along and confirm)
Sealant - Personally I use which gives the car a excellent gloss and finish and if the sun's out you'll get a nice flake pop.
Wax - I dont use it as I'm not a fan so I can't recommend anything.
Hope that helps. If I've missed anything out or got it in the wrong order I'm sure someone will be along to correct me :signLOL:
I've done mine in the past with good results.
Das6 pro da polisher.
Megs 105 and 205 combo with white and orange hex pads
Then I always wax with swissvax (cleaner fluid before hand)
Simple methods always work for me, never try overcomplicate.
If your gonna stick to using product by hand then I'd maybe go for a nice glaze with some filling abilities. I've used Prima Amigo by both hand and DA with good results. Top that with a nice wax/sealant. On my black Golf I've used Colinite 845, Fusso99 Dark and Frost Armour sealant. All are good but I thing the Fusso gave the best results.
Wow you guys have some great results there!!
The megs 105 & 205 keep coming up so it's obviously doing something right
@Dan648v do you find that without sealing the effects don't last as long?
Thanks for your help guys!
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