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Poll added for meet on 21 Feb... (Previously Pistonheads meet)

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--- Quote from: RedRobin on January 29, 2010, 09:51:35 am ---
--- Quote from: joesgti on January 29, 2010, 09:45:09 am ---
^^ go back to bed and get out the other side!  :P

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.... :signLOL:

He's not making a decision on getting out of bed until he gets an answer back  :evilgrin:

--- End quote ---

I'll start a poll and see what everyone else thinks......... :P

^^^^ :laugh:

Perfect answer, Nath!

I think we know what wifey would vote for  :evilgrin:


--- Quote from: joesgti on January 29, 2010, 08:45:44 am ---i was leaking all day!

--- End quote ---

nice relaxing friday, eating my lunch, as I get to joe's comment :sick:
thanks Joe  :happy2: I aint eating it no more...

what clunge were you looking at joe?!?!


--- Quote from: JPC on January 29, 2010, 01:07:58 pm ---what clunge were you looking at joe?!?!

--- End quote ---

What trousers did you have on Jay?  :confused: :laugh:


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