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Stage 1 results and mods questions..

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No worries pal, happy to advise. Let us know how you get on once you get the map revised. You'll definitely feel a big difference, and you're in good hands with Alex at AKS.

Have you been to AKS yet? If so, how is the car now?
To give you an idea, I have an 05 GTI with the pre cat removed (by AKS) and then mapped by R-Tech. I got 255bhp & 310 torque, so hopefully you're pleased.
I would post the graphs, but I have no idea how and I cant see a guide to it.

Norfolk Ollie:

--- Quote from: markrtw on October 22, 2016, 10:47:42 pm ---Have you been to AKS yet? If so, how is the car now?
To give you an idea, I have an 05 GTI with the pre cat removed (by AKS) and then mapped by R-Tech. I got 255bhp & 310 torque, so hopefully you're pleased.
I would post the graphs, but I have no idea how and I cant see a guide to it.

--- End quote ---

Hi mark- yes went to AKS last Saturday and I can definitely feel an improvement in the car, both performance wise and the chain rattle has now been remedied. Also it doesn't judder as much now when pulling away which I can only imagine was the choking effect produced by the old, cheap aftermarket DP. I don't know what it's running at now, although I'm thinking of taking to a dyno to see, but I'd guess about 245-250bhp.
I was really impressed with AKS- a really professional, clinical set up!


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