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Author Topic: RCD 310 sound quality...  (Read 1381 times)

Offline GTIEagles

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RCD 310 sound quality...
« on: September 20, 2016, 09:32:44 am »
I have recently upgraded to an RCD 310 DAB and I actually think it sounds worse than the RCD 300 I removed. I can't get it to sound right despite spending ages tweaking the sound settings. The staging sounds all over the place and the trebles are either ear shriekingly high or so low that they loose clarity and sound muddy. Overall I'm not impressed.

The only thing that I think might be causing it not "sound right" is that it originally came from a Passat and not a Golf so I presume that it could be optimised for the size and interior of a Passat rather than a Golf? Is there any setting for this? I can't find anything in the coding area of VCDS despite this link: showing an option to change the frequency response to a particular vehicle.

Any suggestions before I pull it out and get a decent radio?!