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30-130mph day!

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--- Quote from: djhorace on January 21, 2010, 09:22:41 pm ---I hate it that these things are so far from me :(

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same for me, got very tempted last year though

My car can do 30-130 :evilgrin: might take fookin ages like and the black smoke out the back would look like a small chimney from space :grin:

Would love to come and watch but a bit busy fitting Scotts leveling system fro his xenons,  someone take a camcorder and a decent camera cos the forum needs the evidence quality pics to drool over. :popcornsoda:


no cameras are allowed as its on an active military base mate  :happy2:

and you have to sign all sorts of forms too........PITA!!!


--- Quote from: chungster on January 21, 2010, 09:41:53 pm ---and you have to sign all sorts of forms too........PITA!!!

--- End quote ---

worth it to keep our boys safe imho :innocent:

no-one wants a muppet doing surveillance, or a shady background, or arriving with a nasty surprise  :happy2:

makes total sense when you think about it  :drinking:


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