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30-130mph day!

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Shame that, any more good powered cars fancy it?


I can't commit yet, so may miss the 12th deadline.


--- Quote from: RedRobin on February 05, 2010, 05:07:49 pm ---....

I can't commit yet, so may miss the 12th deadline.

--- End quote ---

Just after might be ok so don't give up, if you get the all clear then phone, what have you got to lose! :happy2:


--- Quote from: RedRobin on February 05, 2010, 05:07:49 pm ---....

I can't commit yet, so may miss the 12th deadline.

--- End quote ---

Best thing to do is let us have all your details so we can submit them to the RAF in case you CAN attend - and you can call Chell later to pay (assuming there's a place of course! :wink:)   If you find you can attend but haven't given us your details, you won't be allowed in anyway!!   :sad1:



Good idea, Darin  :happy2:

I know about such security checks as I have been in and out of Lakenheath US Air Base a number of times and stayed on the base as a civilian guest overnight etc.

'Tis late now so I'll deal with it tomorrow.


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