For the last 5 or so months I've watched the ED30 ads on here. All great cars and cherished but not selling. Bump.. Bump, back up etc etc. So I priced mine under 8k. First to come bought,haggled a bit due to work needed and sold. 57 plate 93k miles DSG full Revo and to me mint. I'm pretty sure if I had advertised 9-10k region it would still be on my drive and not the MK7 PP that is. I'm happy to have sold at the price it went for and its gone to an enthusiast too but now,reading this thread I feel guilty that I may be a factor in the valuation of 2nd hand eddies. Like Lidl and Asda,Does that make sense?
I watched it drive away and the sense of loss was unbelievable. They are great cars,years to come a classic but ,maybe ppl are asking too much for what is a 10 yr old car. Just my opinion.