Yes the MK6 R out of the box did everything, Required little input from the driver. Just put your foot down, Any gear almost any condition and it got on with it. As said though this just diluted the driving experience and made me feel numb and not excited, I can only imagine the MK7 R to be even more so and in DSG form I would probably fall asleep at the wheel.
I've had an S3 manual and found it really thirsty and only slightly faster than a bog standard K03 Gti, I was very disappointed with it, didn't keep for long!
I'm now on my 3rd Gti, had 2 K03 and now the K04 Pirelli, it has been mapped to Stg 1 and is great fun to drive.
I also have a Mk7 R, in comparison the R is far too safe and boring even though manual! The Pirelli is by far a much more fun car to drive and is certainly faster once you are up and moving, and a bl00dy sight cheaper to boot.......and I think it looks better too

I personally think the point of the mk7 R (to car nerds like us) is what they're like when you push them up to Stage 2 and beyond. I can imagine they do feel very safe and steady when you don't take things much further than oem levels of tune.
I went out in Hurdy's mk6 last summer and there's no way a 2WD car could produce the performance that thing could. Even with a built engine, LSD, sticky tyres, and basically everything you can throw at it, there's a clear line in the sand where a 2WD just can't cope.
But... it really depends what you're after. If you base it on how much fun a car is, then arguably a 2WD k03 2+ car can be just as much fun as a big turbo AWD car, just in very different ways. Just like DSG can tame things a bit on a modest k03 car, if you're into quarter miles and big power DSG is a godsend.
It doesn't take long to get used to a little k03 though!