So, about Morego's wishbones, as it is the subject of this topic:
Morego claims 1.75° of negative camber on a stock car with standard suspension setup.
As you lower the car, you get negative camber due to the suspension geometry.
My car is lowered of about 30mm, so I got 2.1° of negative camber.
I don't have any tyre wear issue. I drive 80% on hight way, 20% on back road for fast drive and 27 laps around the Nürburgring.
Believe me or not but I even wear slightly more the outer of the tyre. Pirelli PZERO MO
My advice is to forget about the ugly, expensive yet very efficient Morego welded arms to TT lower arms.
And if you want more camber you can still get adjustable top mounts.
About sway bars, here we go again...

First point I already mentioned is the sway bars size or stiffness depend of car architecture.
And then you can need a (slightly) stiffer bar at the front to have a balanced car.
I’m going to give you an example:
Lotus Exige S... it only gets a front sway bar, nothing at the rear. And it doesn’t understeer that much…
Yes I know, you must hate me know.

But that said, we can't really compare our setup.
These bars come from different factory, yours are alloy and mine are plain.
We don't know the lever size of each one.
So maybe your F25 Medium/R25 Hard is the same stiffness and balance than H&R F26 Soft/R22 Hard!!??
All I can say and what the review says, is:
1/Rear 22mm H&R only => understeer yet it sound surprising. Because front is too soft.
2/H&R F26mm soft/R22mm Hard => well balanced, throttle adjustable, fun and great for road use.
3/H&R F28mm soft/R24mm Hard =>very sharp, well balanced, slightly under- steer biased chassis, adjustable, good for road/track use.
My setup:
-2° front camber, H&R F28mm soft/R24mm Hard: Very sharp, amazing on fast road and on track. Very neutral and adjustable.
I tried H&R F28mm Hard/R24mm Hard it was not that bad, may be a beginning of slight understeer.