Evening all!
I'm looking to get to the bottom of a battery drain issue, and I would like to know how you go about seeing what current is being drawn from the battery when the car is sat engine off and locked.
Here's what I think.... I undo the positive lead from the battery, and then connect up a multimeter, with it set on amps, and the leads plugged in to common and 10A. I then use the multimeter with one if its leads on the battery positive and the other on the lead that has been detached from the battery.
What sort of current should I see? Less than 1amp, perhaps 3-400mA????
I'm hoping to get to the bottom of whether or not it's a parrot handsfree kit that I've recently installed (separate thread ongoing!). I've disconnected the handsfree kit for the moment.
I'm also wondering, if the correct technique is correct, how do I go about getting round the alarm siren blasting its head off when I undo the positive lead from the battery? Background to that is.... I went to test for a current, (wasn't using the multimeter correctly, so no reading obtained) and with the car locked and undoing the lead from the battery, this made the alarm go off!
Any help would be great, cheers