Why not speak to the garage and say you'd only be interested if it came with the correct gear knob and steering wheel. They may oblige for a sale.
But why are they missing? When I rang before I noticed them little details he was a bit of a ass then. Asked him what the body work/paint work was like any marks etc and he just said "as good as any 12reg car" well what's that then you cock
never mind search continues, just was wondering if I was over thinking it etc and what you guys thought of it.
I hate sales people that give you responses like that. I don't care how good the car is and how many boxes it ticks. If the sales person is a pri*k then I would never buy the car from them.
If you can't give honest and detailed descriptions of a car that you are selling, then you shouldn't be selling it (especially a garage).
And if you have doubts/second thoughts, then also walk away. There are plenty of decent cars/owners out there. You just have to be patient and find them.
For me, it's not just about buying the right car. I have to buy it from the right person as well. If the person annoys me with silly answers, then I would never purchase the car from them. You don't know what else they may be hiding.
Hope that helps.