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Author Topic: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen  (Read 3950 times)

Offline Oldy

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Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« on: October 14, 2016, 10:43:11 am »
I apologize, this is not the most interesting post, but I have an issue with a very stubborn greasy film on my GTI windscreen, which I cannot remove, despite my best efforts.  It is worse in the dark, when it's raining and facing oncoming headlights.  I have tried "shaving" with a blade, use microfibre cloths, have used glass cleaner (such as Autoglym Fast Glass), don't use a wash leather and clean with a sponge which I only use for the windscreen.  I have tried new wiper blades too.  This  all helps a little, but won't remove the film. 

As part of my daily commute includes using the motorway, I understand this "film" may be unburnt diesel vapour.  Has anyone experienced this problem, and, if so, could you recommend:
1. An effective glass cleaning product which will remove this film, and
2. A strong (and again effective) additive for the screen wash that can "cut through" this? 

I have tried VW/Audi additive but although better than, say, the Halfords concentrate, is still doesn't remove this film.

Thanks in advance

Offline Juliand

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2016, 11:20:08 am »
Sounds like you need something to cut through it. I'd use a solvent-type solution on a kitchen roll direct - like cellulose thinners. WARNING.... keep away from any plastic bits and wipers, dry it off properly, then clean off with soapy water and a good rinse. That's what I would do - but not a recommendation, cos it's your car. Try a bit first, perhaps.

Hope I don't get shot down.....

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2016, 11:28:01 am »
Just to rule it out, are you sure it's not the internal windscreen?

If so, wash it down with 70% IPA and dry off residue with microfibire. To stop condensation coming back apply a tablespoon of washing up liquid with a microfibre cloth (don't use any water) to the entire internal screen. Leave on for 5 mins and buff off using another dry microfibre cloth. This will leave a hydrophobic coating on the glass preventing condensate (i.e. your breath) building up on the window internal. Should last a few months if applied correctly.

If it's the outside then again a standard wash. Follow this up with 70% IPA but don't let it get on the paintwork or plastic. Afterwards you can clay bar.

If this doesn't remove it I'd be very surprised but it's just a case of windscreen replacement. Your policy probably has free windscreen replacement and although most people aren't aware. If you have more than 6 grazes (not a full chip) from standard stone hits on the motorway then you can get the screen replaced.

Offline FJ1000

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Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2016, 01:03:23 pm »
I had something similar, no idea what it was.

I tried fast glass, soapy wash etc but didn't work. Seemed to be just as greasy.

I ended up just trying everything I could find in multiple steps! Not sure which of these actually worked - but the screen has been fine since! Pressure wash first, getting close to the screen and spending a bit of time on it, dry, then fairy liquid and water, followed by old rag with white spirit (wanted to use meths but couldn't find it), wash and dry again, gtechniq panel wipe + microfibre, then fast glass. Coated in rain-x!

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2007 Golf Gti DSG | Leather Wingbacks | Xenons | VWR Springs | Tinted Windows | 18" Audi Speedlines |

Offline Flyingscotsman

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2016, 02:04:52 pm »
I apologize, this is not the most interesting post, but I have an issue with a very stubborn greasy film on my GTI windscreen, which I cannot remove, despite my best efforts.  It is worse in the dark, when it's raining and facing oncoming headlights.  I have tried "shaving" with a blade, use microfibre cloths, have used glass cleaner (such as Autoglym Fast Glass), don't use a wash leather and clean with a sponge which I only use for the windscreen.  I have tried new wiper blades too.  This  all helps a little, but won't remove the film. 

As part of my daily commute includes using the motorway, I understand this "film" may be unburnt diesel vapour.  Has anyone experienced this problem, and, if so, could you recommend:
1. An effective glass cleaning product which will remove this film, and
2. A strong (and again effective) additive for the screen wash that can "cut through" this? 

I have tried VW/Audi additive but although better than, say, the Halfords concentrate, is still doesn't remove this film.

Thanks in advance

I'd try replacing the wiper blades with new decent quality ones - film might be coming off old/dirty wipers

Offline Oldy

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2016, 06:38:25 pm »
Thanks for this.  I have Bosch new (ish) wipers.  I think they get contaminated with the greasy film.  I need to remove the grease and guys you have given me some useful tips on doing that.  Any thoughts on screenwash to keep it off (assuming i get rid of it!)

Offline 99hagued

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2016, 07:06:44 pm »
I had this problem try some glass polish, I used gtechniq glass polish and it worked a treat

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2016, 08:49:38 pm »
Have you thought about claying the windscreen?  That may help you poss?

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2016, 09:16:13 pm »
A little trick from over on detailingworld is to use barkeepers friend - works a treat windscreens.  :happy2:

Pretty cheap for a bottle and handy to have round the house.

Hope this helps

Edit: link

« Last Edit: October 14, 2016, 09:17:58 pm by richtung »

Offline Oldy

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2016, 09:04:53 am »
Thanks Rich.  Never heard of this stuff but seems worth trying at the price!

Offline ducman77

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2016, 09:28:46 am »
Good luck with this :happy2:

My windscreen is a disaster with deep scratches throughout. Which I can only assume are from the previous owner not replacing the wiper blades in time :confused:

I think the only thing that will fix mine is a new screen :thinking:

Offline Oldy

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2016, 09:55:19 am »
I had this on a previous car.  Some grit got stuck in a new windscreen wiper and messed up the windscreen.  I was able to "look through" it but eventually got fed up with it and ended up replacing the windscreen. 

Part of the problem with the greasy film is that you cannot "look through it" in the rain against headlights.  Lots of good suggestions here, but I guess there is always the potential that adding product to the windscreen, if it fails to remove the grease, may actually add to it.  It may be I am ultimately with you in getting a new windscreen!

Offline wrlcs

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2016, 12:22:58 pm »
I had a similar problem last winter on my scirocco. 2 things worked separately. First was autogltm glass polish, not the cleaner. Second was 50/50 water/vinegar on a towel, played on screen for an hour then cleaned off with just water.  Not sure this can be recommended just in case it does some damage but i was pretty desperate at the time.  8 months later and no return of the problem so far.

Offline Flyingscotsman

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Re: Stubborn greasy film on windscreen
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2016, 12:36:02 pm »
Don't forget to clean or replace wiper blades after cleaning screen. If screen is dirty they will have picked up the grease and will re-spread the stuff.
 I found that cleaning both screen & wiper blades with alcohol works, best result was with new wipers after cleaning.