« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2016, 03:09:00 am »
i ran new wires in to the speakers but i was runnin amps.I would run wires into them as you will get better control over them
Yeah there's already the standard wiring going into the speakers though? I just want to use that wiring for my other speakers but not sure if all 4 wires need to go into the crossover and then the relevant two to speaker and tweeter.
You need to see an audio specialist pal. Unlikely you will get an answer to that sort of question on here.
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‘05 GT, Retrofits: RNS 510 DAB+, R32 Highline Cluster, R32 MFSW, Mk6 Reversing Camera, 7P6 Bluetooth, TPMS, Cruise Control, VW MDI, Chrome switches, Blaupunkt THA 475 amp.