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SW England Dub Meet - Concept

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(Slight thread revival)
Swdubs forum is quiet, but fb page is busier and the winter meet at j30 services two weekends back was really quite a goodie :happy2:
There was a guy on ukmkivs who set up a regular Exeter meet a year or two back, but not sure if that's still going. I will have a look and see if he's still around. There were fairly regular ukmkivs/ukmkv/ukaudi sw meets, and most summers had a cruise up to Brean or wsm.
Meets always go quiet til the sun comes out!
Once I get mine sorted I'd be up for a meet.

Keep us all informed, this is still something I'm looking into. Hoping that now the winter is closing people may start venturing out again.

Count me in.

So in an update, I'm soon to live near Yeovil in Somerset so will be permanently down the SW. Thinking perhaps a rolling road day at TSR or something may be a laugh?

No interest then?


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