Hi All, i'm new here and to the MK5 world.
Have been into VWs since about 17 when i passed my test, started off with a MK2F Polo Genesis Coupe, followed shortly by another (Cant find any pictures of these as it was pre facebook and me being on any forums.
Then went to Uni. Didnt like not having a car so had couple of MK2 Breadvan Polos

followed by a MK2 Golf:

Then got a proper job and needed something less rusty so bought a Saxo (Dark Times) which lasted about a year before being replaced with another Polo, this time a 6n2 (there seems to be a theme with red cars.....)

by this point i was abut 23 and moved a bit closer to work and wanted something a bit more fun so bought this

MK1 Caddy with 1.8T lump dropped in. After about a year of this, a couple of breakdowns and a small fortune sunk into it my partner had had enough and persuaded me to part with it and took this in PX.

That takes us up to about 2 weeks ago when i decided, after getting a promotion at work, that i deserved something newer and quicker. Looked at about 4 or 5 different MK5s, decided I wanted a black one with leather and a Manual 'box and then this one popped up in my searches. 2 views and 2 test drives later here she is.
2005 Golf GTI Completely standard except for the CH025 Alloys.

Few quick visual mods:
New Grille and Black badges
Pressed Plates
Android Headunit

Bloody good clean and full paint detail (action shot)

Plan is to enjoy it for a while then slowly start heading towards stage 2
S3 or FMIC
H&R Springs
upgraded Engine Mounts
so pretty standard modding path really.