Bit more info on my cam follower with the dreaded banjo bolt it wasn't too bad, managed to get in with a 3/8 drive triple square fixed socket and a knuckle joint adapter thingy but I found a ten mm ratchet spanner and that fit over the actual m8 triple square bit so tightened it up with that.
One thing I did notice is that you need to push the banjo bit up when trying to get the bolt in, I believe this is perhaps how people cross thread them occasionally.
The cam follower wasn't in terrible condition but it was up for replacement, so glad I've changed it now and the car seems better but that's probably just in my head, there was a bit of creamy gunk in the pcv, is that something I should worry about ?
Might fit my Forge TwinTake tomorrow if I can be arsed.
Thanks to everyone for their help and info