AFAIK maybe the reading from the MAF aren't correct with that CAI. From Revo and the likes you'll be fine. Others I don't know. The ECU can compensate for the extra air available if the MAF readings are correct, if I'm seeing the problem right.
I wish I knew how else to describe the problem but that's the only way I know. Seems like way too much air going in and the ecu isn't compensating for this resulting in high revving then taking off slow and a poor response in gears.
Maybe it is in need of a remap but that'll be the first as ive never had this issue fitting a cai system before 
Different cars, different characteristics.
I remember on a AGU engined golf, you could run a vent to atmosphere dump valve but on the later models such as, aum, bam etc, you could only run a recirculation valve as the tolerances are tighter. I would get a professional opinion or a vagcom scan to rule out any failed sensor(s).